Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Today fell under the “good day” heading.

It appears, gentle reader, that my prolonged stretch of being a burden to society (read: unemployed) may be coming to an end.  A local employer has seen fit to extent an offer of employment my way.  And I, in my unemployment fuelled wisdom, said yes.  The best part is, I don’t even start until the 1st of September, so I actually get three weeks to full-on relax.  Sure I haven’t been working, but the whole “my future is completely up in the air” thing really harshed that buzz.

As if that wasn’t good enough, I then had an awesome dinner over at the in-laws.  Mmm mmm good.  Veggies from the garden are just better.fuel2

On a completely unrelated to all of this note, I read a very interesting article on the Car and Driver website today on how to get better fuel economy.  We could all use better fuel economy, and I’d never even heard of lugging.  It’s an interesting read, and it’s here.

So, yeah.  Great day.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Adventures with Windows 7

So on the weekend a friend of my girlfriend’s sister was by the house with a (relatively) old laptop.  It had 1 Gig of Ram and a 1.6Ghz single core something or other CPU.  Normally, not that impressive, but in this case it was – it was running Windows 7.  And not just running it fairly well, but running it quickly.  Vista would have flat-out laughed at that machine, and then kicked it.  Twice.

This prompted me to go online and find info on the Windows 7 Release Candidate.  Downloaded and burned the ISO last night and successfully installed it and set it up this morning.  It was stupid-easy.  It was easy in the way Mac’s claim to be.  It detected everything (except my sound card, which set up manually without a hitch).  It didn’t need to use the damned floppy drive for anything (I’m looking at you, XP), it installed quickly and seamlessly.

So far, it’s beautiful, intuitive and all sorts of good adjectives.  I through it on a spare SATA drive I had lying around, so my system now happily dual-boots between XP and 7, depending on my whim.  And from what I’ve seen so far, my whim is going to more often be 7 than XP.

Grab it yourself here.  But do it soon - I think they stop handing out keys on the 10th of this month.images

If you’ve got a spare computer, or even drive, I wholeheartedly support giving it a shot.  Hell, it’s free.